English Abstract
  Extrusion Load Oscillation and Melt Steady State Compliance in the Case of
High Density Polyethylene Melt

Takatoshi SHIMURA
Tosoh Analysis and Research Center Kasumi, Yokkaichi, Mie, Japan
Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi,(2009),82(3),112-116 Original Paper in Japanese

Load of the extrusion oscillates during the extrusion of high density polyethylene melt. We studied this phenomenon through the rheometry. It was concluded that in some cases this oscillation phenomenon is related with melt steady state compliance Je0 of high density polyethylene melt.

(Received on May 26, 2008)
(Accepted on October 27, 2008)

High Density Polyethylene, Creep Compliance, Steady-state Compliance, Zero-shear Viscosity, Extrusion, Flow Instability